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If I Have a Lot of Money

Hmmm, when I was children, I often dream about being rich, so if I had a lot of money, I would certainly fulfill my dreams.

First and foremost, One thing I really wish “I have enough money to buy is” actually a new home for my mother and my father, in a quiet town, I would equip the house with the best technology , My mother would have a state-of-the-art kitchen as she loves cooking,  I would also get a maid to help her with household chores, I will ensure that my parents is comfortably settled in this house . because they had done so much for me in life and I feel like I'd like to do something really special for  them, so they can fulfill her dream of retiring.

The second thing, if I had enough money to buy something, I would buy an island for my self , which would mean that I got a lot of money to basically to be the king of a place. You know some people like to buy houses. I want to have an island. I would buy a car, luxuriuos car.
Apart form that, I would to go on a shopping spree, which is my favourite pastime. Thus far I could only fo window shopping and if I had lot of money, I would go into these stores and buy whatever I fancy, Just imagine that for once in my life, I do not need to look at the prices of the items that I like, I could just shop till I literally drop. I would not be ignored anymore as I walk into their stores.

The last, I would take the opportunity to further my studies, when I was younger, my parents could not afford to send me a college. I want to Studying language in many different countries, learn subject that I want. Go traveling around the world with my family and my best friends, I have never been overseas but I long to see the place I have only read or dreamt about. First, I would like to visit makkah, amazing country. There is something mystical in makkah, I would visit all the musems and bulding of islam’s history.
And the most important, IF i had a lot of money I would probably do what Bill Gates is doing. Donate it as much as possible and do some, I mean alot of charity work , invest money to make more money then help others generously. If I have.. I would definitely spread the wealth and help out the poor working class like myself, I would certainly build a better home for the orphans in my town, I would support their education till they could stand on their own. Build Founding a large foundation of education, make a lot of school that free, from SD,SMP,SMA, untill UNIVERSITY. Building many libraries in remote places on earth where children don't have access to knowledge.  They would receive an scholarships and grants.

but honestly
I wouldn't want a lot of money because money plays with peoples minds, it turns some good people to bad. It makes people forget their past. Allhamdullilah I am fine the way I am. I think family and love should be the main wealth because it keeps you happy inside and out


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